Saturday 22 December 2012

Inspiration, friendship and fun: a seasonal thank you

2012 started out in fairly unpromising fashion (personal) but with a glimmer of something intriguing on the horizon (the beginnings of Treacletiger as a business.) We've learned a lot this year, been to some great events, had some amazing conversations.

None of it would have been as much fun without the incredible, inspirational and downright fun people we've met on the way. It would have been far tougher if we'd not been welcomed by them at unconferences and talks, chatted about work and non-work stuff online, and seen off the odd pie and snifter with them too.

I'd love to think I can name them all, but in my post-flu state I fear I am doomed to omit some; this would quite honestly upset me, because these people matter; so I won't do a list. 

They should read this and know who they are. 

And when you read this and know you're one of them... Thank you. 2012 was fun. 2013 can be better if we keep doing our thing.

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