Monday 18 June 2012

Getting over i-fear

I have a long-held antipathy to a certain technology giant's products (not stating names but it does rhyme with Mapple), finding them awkward and as user-unfriendly as it's possible to get. This dates back to attempting to master a Mac when I worked for a printing company about 9 years ago, and almost drop-kicking it through a window in frustration and sheer temper. As a result of this experience I've resisted joining the i-generation for many years. 

Recently, I've made a great friend in a gentleman of 62 years of age who arrives at meetings equipped with i-this and i-that. He sweeps through meetings making notes and seems delightfully happy with the gadgets at his disposal and the things they can do for him. I've watched my 3 year old niece and 4 year old nephew masterfully operate the tablet and play games (and crack passcodes) on the phones.

What this has shown me is that it's me, not the hardware or the software that's the problem. It's shown me that things could be so much smoother and that we could deliver a better experience for our clients if I just got over myself. Sometimes it's not about your misgivings, but looking at what it'll do for others, and making a decision beyond your own fear and anxiety.

So I'm taking the plunge and have signed up to the i-crowd. As I type my own tablet is winging its way to me. I've not gone for the turbo-super-duper latest version, as the one below that will do a grand job indeed as far as I can see. Sometimes it's about having what's required and mastering that- getting the basics right before you dress it up and go all out to impress.

Watch this space for news of airborne technology and pleas for help in navigating my way around the system.

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